

Omniverse, Ultraverse, or larger-scale archverses

An infinite number

An Archverse is a cosmological structure that is defined to be a large set of verses that are composed of Universes. Simply put, they are finite or infinite sets of smaller archverses. Archverses are nested within an infinite stack known as an archverse chain within the Omniverse and fill every possible gap of reality in it. In some cosmology tiers, the start of the archverse chain is considered to be the Gigaverse, a finite or infinite set of Megaverses, since it can be considered to be the start of -verses that start to lose any significant meaning. If the category of this definition of archverse is broadened to include the Universe, Multiverse, and Megaverse, then the -verses are known as metric -verses in the metric -verse hierarchy. In other cosmology tiers, there is no difference between metric -verses and archverses and the terms can be used interchangeably. In that case, the lowest nested level of archverse is the Universe.

An arbitrarily large group of archverses within a larger archverse is known as an archverse cohort, though the term Ultraverse is used when the archverses within it have an extremely high nested level and the term -verse cohort is generally used when said -verses within the archverse are metric -verses with designated names (e.g. universe cohort, multiverse cohort, megaverse cohort, etc.).

The highest level of archverse within the Omniverse has been dubbed the "Apeiroverse" or "Infinityverse".


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