The Life Lesson You Least Expected

Don’t date the same person more than once
For every friend/partner you think is irreplaceable, there is an even better replacement
If you ever truly fall in love, you will forever care about them, even if you claim to hate them
Don’t tell even your bestest friend ALL of your secrets. Keep certain details to yourself
Don’t leave mac and cheese alone for too long. Sometimes you can’t tell if its spoiled or not depending on the brand/cook.
Do not befriend people beneath you. Sounds mean but just don’t. DON’T. edit: my definition of “beneath”: the opposite of being the “bigger person.” Somebody who shames you for trying to inform/express in an appropriate situations. Somebody who is so insecure with themselves that they target people's self esteems. People who are “snakes,” and believe ignorance is bliss. I realized my comment may have been interpretated as me saying not to be friends w/ people who aren't as popular or rich or as smart as you. I meant don't be friends with people who will stop your person growth.
If your parents are yelling at you in public, don’t argue back loudly and don’t sound whiny.
If somebody sends you a weird/mean/unexpected message, wait an hour before responding. Sometimes friends might steal their phones and send inappropriate messages to you. Or sometimes they might be high or drunk.
Be careful about how you gossip. Sometimes the people your friends are friends with will shock you, especially when you see they are closer with the people you talk smack about than you.


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