What Does A Soul Do After Death Or Afterlife?

This whole thing about the soul, God, life after death, and religion, is all one, big, huge, opinion. That means that what we know about religion, bibles, and gods, are all opinions, not facts.

When I talk about the afterlife, they are my opinions, and from a non-religious viewpoint. And please keep in mind that my opinions are no better than anyone else's. If what I share makes sense, great. If not, there are many other opinions from which to choose.

When your body dies, your brain and all of its functions die with it. It decomposes back into the elements of it's original composition. However, over the years, I have come to believe in the existence of the soul, which is a special form of energy that is self-aware and is immortal. My belief does NOT come from any religion. It comes from the mounds of anecdotal evidence I have seen and heard on this subject. It is a culmination of knowledge from people have who have shared their experiences of the afterlife through life between lives regressions, near death experiences, reincarnation, and over 6yrs of my research on these topics. There is no scientific proof of God, the soul, reincarnation, or life after death.

Your soul lives on (actually, forever), along with your consciousness. Your self-awareness resides within the soul, not the body or the brain. The soul is the operating system, if you will, for the body (like Windows, MAC OS, or Linux is to a computer). The soul, however, exists quite nicely without a human body, actually, considerably better.

Our human personalities and intelligence are severely dumbed down versions of our souls. While inhabiting human hosts, we are extremely limited by the functions of our human bodies and brains. And we purposely do this to experience the trials and tribulations of human life. We incarnate in order to experience certain forms of existence that just can't be learned in the afterlife. When we overcome the negatives and challenges of life in positive ways, we gain strength, knowledge, and wisdom. Once we have learned these eight lessons of love, compassion, compersion (the best word I could find for the opposite of envy), courage, humility, honesty, forgiveness, and patience. we will be spiritually evolved enough where it isn’t necessary to reincarnate any longer.


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