Shocking Facts About Bermuda Triangle.

Bermuda Triangle is the greatest unsolved mystery of the modern age. Also called Devil’s Triangle. 

It is a triangular shaped area in the North Atlantic Ocean, from Bermuda Island to Miami, USA and Puerto Rico. Hundreds of people and numerous boats, ships and planes have disappeared inside this triangle. Reasons given for these disappearances vary from scientific to sheer myth. Here are Shocking facts about Bermuda Triangle : 

«Fact No. 1»

The Bermuda Triangle is not small. In fact, it is quite large and covers an area of 440,000 miles of sea. This is larger than the combined area of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra. 

«Fact No. 2»

The bermuda triangle is certainly not fixed and its effect can be experienced outside of the triangle too. 

«Fact No. 3»
The disappearances are ascribed to UFO’s and alien activity, city of Atlantis lost under the triangle, and various other technical, natural and geographical reasons. 

«Fact No. 4»

 Whenever any plane or ship disappears in the Triangle, its debris cannot be found. The reason behind this is that Gulf Stream runs near the triangle, which quickly gets rid of the debris. 

«Fact No. 5»

At least 1000 lives are lost within the last 100 years. On average, 4 aircraft and 20 yachts go missing every year. 

«Fact No. 6»

Inside the Bermuda Triangle, US Government has AUTEC (for Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center), which is located on the Andros Island of Bahamas. Here US Navy tests their submarines, sonar and other weapons. However many are of the view that it is more than just the testing center. 

«Fact No. 7»

People have experienced electronic fog in bermuda triangle, which can be a Time Travel Tunnel too. Pilot Bruce Gernon claims he lost 28 minutes after flying through a time-warping cloud tunnel. The plane went missing from radars, only to re-emerge in Miami Beach. 

«Fact No. 8»

One of the biggest and famous losses of US Military occurred in 1945. Five US Navy Avenger torpedo bombers flew from Fort Lauderdale, Florida for a sortie to the island of Bimini. The mission had 14 men. After about 90 minutes, the radio operators received a signal that the compass was not working. After that the communication was lost. The bombers were never found. The three planes that went for their rescue also disappeared. 

«Fact No. 9»

The first person to report about Bermuda Triangle was Christopher Columbus. He wrote in his journals that inside the triangle, the ship’s compass stopped working and he also saw a fireball in the sky.

«Fact No. 10»

Bermuda Triangle is one of the rare places on earth where the compass does not point towards Magnetic North. Instead of that, it point towards true north, which creates confusion and that’s why so many ships and planes lost its course in the triangle.

[About Bermuda Triangle]»»»»»
One of the most mysterious places of the world is Bermuda Triangle.  It is a triangular area (An area shaped like a dented trapezium.) in Western part of North Atlantic Ocean. This area enclosed by the ends from Bermuda Island to Miami (Florida) and San Juan (Puerto Rico). The Miami city accomplished the Triangle’s easternmost end. Here hundreds of people, aircraft and watercrafts mysteriously disappear into air or beneath the water.
In a research US navy claimed that in real the Bermuda Triangle doesn’t exist. Why is it such a mysterious place? What is the reason behind it? Where is Bermuda Triangle located and what is the length of this area? Is there a map? And do you get to confirm that when you cross the line and enter the area of Bermuda Triangle then what will be happen? Several types of questions arise in our mind. 
{Myths about Bermuda Triangle}»»»»
Bermuda triangle is a very mysterious area on the Atlantic Ocean and there is a myth about this triangle that at this place several types of disappearances have occurred, many ships and planes passing over it have disappeared. In the last hundred years, approx thousand lives are lost. On an average, 20 yachts and 4 planes go missing every year. And there is no evidence of disappearance. So people believe that devil lives here therefore they also call it “devil’s triangle”. But no one knows the exact reason behind it. Why do all of these big transportation machine go missing, but there are some stories and myths prevailing. Most of the disappearances have mainly taken place around the southern boundary of the triangle between Puerto Rico and Florida.
{Bermuda Triangle History}»»»»
The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle have been documented for centuries, the Bermuda Triangle’s infamy first started with Christopher Columbus. He wrote in his journals that inside this area, the watercraft’s compass stopped working and he saw a fireball in the sky too. According to Columbus , when he looked down at his compass and observed that his compass was giving strange readings that day was October 8, 1492. He didn’t take it seriously and a he did not inform his crew too, because having a compass that didn’t point to magnetic north may have sent the exactly on border crew into the wildly unthinking behavior. This decision was apparently an ideal decision considering three days after when Columbus directly spotted a mysterious light, the crew got alarmed to go back to Spain.


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