Do you not think that there are things which you cannot understand, and yet which are; that some people see things that others cannot? … Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all; and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain. ~ Debabrat Jena
I’ve always found a lot of truth in the mystical approach to life.
As humans we tend to assume that we can see, feel and experience everything there is to be perceived in life. Since birth we’re conditioned to believe that we’re a superior, infallible race of beings that can control everything – even if we suspect deep down that we can’t.
But I’ve always felt that there is much more to existence. Although science reveals to us that there are many things in life that we can’t see, imagine all the things out there that are happening right now that science isn’t aware of?
We tend to condemn and scorn people who say they can see auras, use energy to heal, and many other spiritual claims. But the fault doesn’t lie in these seemingly outlandish assertions, but in our skepticism and denial of them. We have only explored a tiny fraction of our visible ocean and only 5% of the universe is observable matter (the rest is dark matter and dark energy) – what makes us so confident to think that invisible holographic aliens aren’t hovering among us as we speak?
I know this sounds pretty wacky, but realizing how biologically limited we are is a beautiful way to reconnect with our childlike wonder and curiosity. In our materialistic, industrialized and isolationist societies, I believe that it’s important to come to terms with how little we truly know. Life regains its mysterious depth once again when we humbly kneel down in fascination and awe.
12 Things We Can’t See, But Amazingly Exist
Each and every day there is a rich and complex world going on just beyond our veil of perception.
In fact, literally anything could be happening right now without us knowing – invisible worlds colliding, unseen births, deaths, transformations. In fact, quantum physics suggests that the past, present and future is simultaneously occurring right now.
What science does know only represents a minuscule fraction of what likely exists beyond our perception. The following points represents things that exist, but aren’t visible to the naked human eye. Enjoy!
1. Radio Waves
Radio waves are one type of electromagnetic wave, ranging from about one foot long to several miles long. This type of electromagnetic frequency is used to transmit data and are used for satellites, computer networks and radio.
2. Atoms
Atoms are the smallest building blocks of matter and everything in the observable universe is made of trillions of atoms. Although atoms have never been seen with the human eye, they can be indirectly observed.
3. Dark Matter
Dark matter does not emit light or energy, yet it can be observed by calculating the motion of planets. About 80% of matter in the Universe is made up of dark matter.
4. Antimatter
Antimatter possesses qualities that are opposite to normal matter. When matter and antimatter meet, both are annihilated. How do we know it exists? Through the world’s particle accelerators and other various scientific tools.
5. Air/Oxygen
OK, this is pretty obvious, but it’s amazing that something we can’t even see is responsible for keeping us alive.
6. Ultraviolet Light
Ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic wave that is responsible for sunburn! Some animals, such as bumblebees, can see ultraviolet light, but we can’t. The Hubble Space Telescope also uses ultraviolet light to see galaxies and stars in space.
7. Gravity
We can measure it, but we can’t observe it.
8. Infrared
Whatever gives off heat radiates infrared waves, e.g. the human body. Infrared is a type of electromagnetic wave.
9. The Mind
We can observe the brain and its chemical reactions, but thoughts are completely intangible to us.
10. Emotions
We can see the expression on people’s faces, observe their body language, and watch different parts of the brain react to feelings, but emotions are completely intangible.
11. Quantum Particles
Quantum, or virtual particles exist on a subatomic level (i.e. they’re smaller than atoms). Scientists theorize that they literally pop in and out of existence for brief moments of time. They can only be understood through magnetic or electrostatic forces.
12. The Entire Universe
We know that it’s out there. We can see a fraction of it with telescopes. But we can’t see or even fathom the entire extent of the universe (and whether it actually ends). How mind-bending is that?
We develop more respect for life once we realize how small and limited we truly are.
What’s your opinion? Are there any other things we can’t see that I haven’t included in this article? Share with me in the comments!