NML CYGNI The Biggest Star in the Milky Way.

NML Cygni is a red supergiant star that can be located in the constellation of Cygnus. The description is based on the spectral class. The star can not be seen by the naked eye, you need a telescope to see it.

NML Cyngi is one of the biggest stars in The Milky Way. If it was in our Solar System and was in the place of The Sun, its edge would be out past the orbit of Jupiter and we`d be sitting inside the hot ball of gas and fire. It is a competitor to the biggest star in the galaxy with the Scutum star known as UY Scuti. The star was discovered in 1965 by Neugebauer, Martz, and Leighton and whose surname initials give the star its name. The star`s size is about between 1,642 and 2,775 times the radius of our Sun.

Location of NML Cygni
The location of the star in the night sky is determined by the Right Ascension (R.A.) and Declination (Dec.), these are equivalent to the Longitude and Latitude on the Earth. The Right Ascension is how far expressed in time (hh:mm:ss) the star is along the celestial equator. If the R.A. is positive then its eastwards. The Declination is how far north or south the star is compared to the celestial equator and is expressed in degrees. For NML Cygni, the location is 20h 46m 25.6 and +40 ° 06` 59.4 .

Physical Properties (Colour, Radius) of NML Cygni
NML Cygni has a spectral type of M6I. This means the star is a red supergiant star. NML Cygni lies at a distance of 5,300.00 light years away from our Sun and our planet Earth or to put it another way, 1,624.95 parsecs away from the Sun.

NML Cygni has been calculated as 2,775.00 times bigger than the Sun.The Sun's radius is 695,800km, therefore the star's radius is an estimated 1,930,845,000.00.km. If you need the diameter of the star, you just need to multiple the radius by 2.

NML Cygni Apparent and Absolute Magnitudes
NML Cygni has an apparent magnitude of 16.60 which is how bright we see the star from Earth. Apparent Magnitude is also known as Visual Magnitude. Magnitude, whether it be apparent/visual or absolute magnitude is measured by a number, the smaller the number, the brighter the Star is. Our own Sun is the brightest star and therefore has the lowest of all magnitudes, -26.74. A faint star will have a high number.

Distance to NML Cygni
NML Cygni is an estimated 5,300.00 light years from our Solar System (Earth and Sun). It would take a spaceship 5,300.00 years travelling at the speed of light to get there. We don't have a space ship that can travel that distance or at that speed yet.

Spectral Type M6I
Multiple Star System No / Unknown
Star Type very luminous Supergiant Star
Colour red
Galaxy Milky Way
Constellation Cygnus
Visual / Apparent Magnitude 16.60
Naked Eye Visible Requires 8m Telescope - Magnitudes
Right Ascension (R.A.) 20h 46m 25.6
Declination (Dec.) +40 ° 06` 59.4
Distance from the Sun / Earth 5,300.00 Light Years
Companions (Multi-Star and Exoplanets) Facts

Exoplanet Count None/Unaware
Estimated Facts

Radius (x the Sun) 2,775.00


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