Gods Are A Type Of Civilization Like Us !

Largely due to our tendency to assume agency.
When something happens near us, we tend to assume something did it. Probably intentionally.
And as our predecessors wandered around on the savannah, a nearby rustle in the grass generally yielded two options: either it’s nothing worth worrying about, or it’s a tiger stalking us in the long grass.
The homonid who assumed it was a tiger and ran for the nearest tree, was often wrong, but it cost him little.
The homonid who assumed it was nothing was usually right, but occasionally lunch.
Thus natural selection has selected for the tendency to assume agency (the notion that anything that happens was done, deliberately, by someone or something.)
Remember how, when we were little, we used to believe in magic? Well, it might just be the answer to your question.
We, humans, are inherently curious. We can think rationally, understand things and draw conclusions. Thus, its natural for us to try figuring out the logic behind everything.
Today we know why we exist in this universe, exactly how we were created and how we have become what we have become but most of this knowledge has come from our ever-increasing understanding of the cosmos.
The people in the ancient civilizations didn't know the first thing about the universe. In fact, they thought the stars were actually painted on the Earth's roof.
Now there's one thing the human brain has been gifted heavily with- Pattern recognition. Since, the ancient people spent so much time under the Earth’s “roof”, they started recognising patterns in the star movements over time. Also, they observed that these star movements were intimately connected to the climatic conditions on Earth. They used this newfound knowledge to prepare themselves for the coming season and got a lot of success…but they just couldn't figure out the connection between the two.
Back to our childhood, what was magic to us? What was so enjoyable about it? It was anything that defied logic, anything that we couldn’t explain. We were amused by it because we liked challenging our brain to find the trick behind it. Then when we couldn't, we termed it as magic.
Similarly, the early men just couldn't connect the climate to the painted ceiling logically and were forced to believe in a higher being who, through the paintings on the roof, communicated with them. To them, It was the only logical explaination.
As time passed, their belief strengthened and they started crediting their success to this all-knowing supernatural being: God.
The human brain has evolved to see patterns. We cannot help it. There is also an evolved perception of events needing intelligence behind them. The hyperactive agency detection we’ve evolved will see intent, even when the event is caused by random chance. That’s why casinos make money.
Things that happen must happen for a reason. If we don’t know what that reason is then we’ll make one up.
There are many belief systems that don’t require a god to run everything though. Most of the ancient tribes worshipped nature, but they did seem to eventually start acting as if nature could be bargained with like a person.
It’s easy to see how weather or other phenomena could be seen as emotional responses. Thunder is angry, crops growing well is happy. We know the weather is controlled by natural phenomena, but lightning and thunder is still seen as the sky being angry today.
Gods were once seen as very like humans. They could be vindictive, hateful, naughty, mischievous. This was why you’d offer them sacrifices and give them money to help you out. It was a bargaining chip to stop them getting you for their own entertainment.
Once these systems have been going for a while they take on a life of their own.
Nobody stops to ask why we throw coins in the fountain to make a wish, that’s just the way it’s always been done.
Payment to the gods for our good luck. It doesn’t matter if it works or not overall. People will always remember the times it works and instantly forget the times it has no effect. This is called confirmation bias. We want to believe our choices have a positive effect on our life.
We want to believe we’ve made the right choice. Lived the right life. Done the best we could do. Then they invented the belief that we’d get the loveliness we deserve in an afterlife. Even if our life is average, we’ve lived a good life and we’ll get a better life after this one.
It’s like gambling, but your parents play your hand and go ‘all in’ before you’re born :)
It all comes down to FEAR.
- Mostly fear of death, but also...
- fear of the future
- fear of anything unknown or uncontrollable (lightning/thunder)
- fear of pain (physical or emotional: losing some loved one)
- fear of hunger (if it does not rain, there is no food)
- fear of illness
- fear of "ghosts" (past mistakes that make people feel bad, i.e. "sins")
- even fear of taking decisions (better to have clear guidelines from God; unfortunately, some gods seem to recommend suicide bombing...)
There are societies that have not believed in a divine creator. Consider Jainism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Also consider the Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy. The Piraha don't have a belief in a divinity but they do have some spirit beliefs.
As to the reasons for the development of religion, I invite you to consider the answers found at Why were religions created? Is it possible that men created religions for peace in the region for that specific time, or for the sake of fame, money and power?
It’s two things.
First of all, it’s scientific ignorance. Long long long ago, we didn’t know anything about science. We just lived. So, things happened around us, and we didn’t know why they happened. All we knew is that, when something happens, somebody or something is doing something to make that happen.
And that’s how “God did it” came into existence. And the more science we learn, the narrower the basis for existence of any god becomes (for most people, there are still people blaming tornado’s on God punishing the US for gays, or something like that).
The second is that prey animals have to fear predators. And yes, we are prey animals: if you look at the time that passed since we no longer have to fear predators compared to the time we did have to fear that it’s a very very very short time indeed. Most of humankind’s existence we had to fear predators.
To help prey animals detect predators, they are equipped with pattern-detection. So, we’re resting at the bottom of a tree, nicely in the shade, and all the while we’re looking around checking if we can see any pattern. Leaves and branches and things like that make patterns, that’s why people walking through woods get spooked out (and that’s why horror movies work so well with things like that!). Ever laid on your back looking at clouds going “that’s a frog!” and “hey look, that looks like a guy, see!”? Pattern seeking at its finest.
And that is why there are stories of gods (and other magical beings) all over earth.
🔴Disclaimer & Conclusion! 🔴
All the Above Written by Me Is Purely My Imaginations, Ideas, thoughts, and Fantasies. Which is not belongs to any resemblance
I'm not against any individuals, any nations any societies , or any religions..
All the Posts and incidents in my blogs are imaginary, resemblance to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental. 
So, am not responsible for any fictional to anyone.
So, If You aren't agree with my thoughts then don't flag it inappropriate, violence, or abusive 
I'm not against any gods or human beings. 
Whatever You believe and think i respect that so heartedly so, please don't spread rumours and violence against me. 
YES, Definitely Gods Are There, But They are Most Powerful Civilization In The Macroverse.
Whom You believe And Calling Gods Are Actually A Type Of civilization like Us But, they are the most Powerful And Supreme Advanced in Every Categories. So,
We Have Been Named Them Gods,
Maybe Their Names Could have been Different. Whatever we've been calling and knowing from Our Ancestors (predecessors) :

Anyway They are there in the Macroverse we are here in the Planet called Earth our home. After all The Similarities Between Gods and Humans Are Civilizations That they belong to their civilization and yes we belong to our civilization. How Mighty, Powerful, Advanced They are And How Less We're when we compare to them isn't a Astonishing Thing Or A matter. 

The Matter Is They Are A Type Of Civilization Like Us, Their Civilization Name Is God Or Gods, Which, We have been calling And Knowing As Our Civilization Name Human or Humans..
👍Thank You For Listening 💁‍♂️
Have A Great Day/Night As Special As You Are..
See You Here Again Stay Tuned For Then.


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