A Few Bitter Truths Of Life

1.Most people aren't living the life they wanted as kids

Most of us have accepted compromises

2. The perfect partner doesn't exist

In the real world people settle all the time
There are some signs you have found the right partner but not perfect one

3.The perfect country to job also doesn't exist

It is a balance between relaxation, lifestyle, money, job satisfaction etc

4. People change

And not always for the best

5. Many friendships are fake

It is hard to know which friendships are fake until you emigrate, move cities and/or get older

6.Keep reading

The world is becoming more and more competitive
Any advantage is key

7. Sales is key

No matter what you have learned at university, most business need to care about revenue first and foremost
I would recommend the book below

8. Learn about personal finance

And spending habits
It could be the difference between millionaire status and/or security, and financial troubles
Either read the evidence or watch the evidenced via ebooks/online etc.
Especially learn about passive income.

9. Effort and reward aren't always directly linked

Especially if you give up too soon


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