The Behaviors That Make People Appear More Intelligent

Well, the really intelligent do not have to act intelligent. They tend to be listeners rather than talkers. They have no need to impress you. When they disagree with you, they may say “well I may be wrong, but I think it really is such and such.” They are modest because they say”I may be wrong” when they disagree with you; however, they know they are correct. Therefore, it is up to you to listen to their knowledge (or be stupid) and ignore it. Intelligent people never come across as “know it alls.” Intelligent people do not argue. They tell you something and if you are not smart enough to know they are correct, it is your problem. When the intelligent person is quiet in the group, they are observing everyone. They observe how others talk, how they dress, their vocabulary, what they say, their strengths , and insecurities that are revealed and observed. The fool talks incessantly and learns nothing about the people around them. The fool spouts fact and figures not knowing that they are boring others and not impressing anyone. The intelligent knows the key to successful social interaction is to relate to the person emotionally. Most communication is emotional. In a ten minute conversation, the fools learns nothing about the people around them because they were too busy talking, but the intelligence learns volumes about the people around them. With this knowledge it shows them how they can relate to these people during the next meeting. During the next meeting, they appeal to the other persons emotions. If in the first meeting, person “A” has shown that they are interested in hobby “XYZ,” when they see Person “A” again, the intelligent will talk about “XYZ.” The intelligent know that people like to talk about their interest. A genius former president named Bill Clinton had this intelligence. Many people who have met the young Bill Clinton (now he is old and loosing judgement) said that when you met him, within one minute, he makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world. How do you do this, by listening and being humble; also, talk about the other person’s interest. Finally, in a non-social setting the intelligent can focus on a topic for hour and hours. All geniuses have one thing in common, they can focus on their interest for a great length of time. The musical genius John Coltrane would practice his saxophone sometimes for 48 non-stop without any sleep until collapsing from exhaustion. I’m quit sure that Beethhoven, Steve Jobs, and others had similar experiences. It’s really easy to spot the intelligent from the group. As a final comment, I have given examples of intelligence that I admire because there are different types of intelligence. However, it is a fact , that the constant talker and the argumentative person thinks that are viewed as intelligent, but everyone else thinks that are an idiot!!!


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