A Sign That Someone Is A Genuinely Good Person

This is a great question. There are so many characteristics that some people fake, which can make them SEEM like good people, when really they are just posturing or manipulating others. Having been personally duped many times by such people, I’ve learned to be wary. And I’ve made some observations that now help me in determining someone’s true character. It takes time and sometimes I am still wrong, but here are a few examples I think you’ll find useful.

Good people do not seek to impress others. They often do good things, but they don’t brag about the good things they do. They are the ones who work behind the scenes for the benefit of their causes or because of their genuine altruism. They do such things not to display their goodness; they do them because they are compelled to be kind and to help others.

Good people don’t judge people by their appearances. They treat all people with the same respect and politeness. In their leisure time, good people keep good company. They tend to surround themselves with those who inspire them to be better people and who are also dedicated to good causes. They try to avoid spending unnecessary time with people who don’t have good value systems. They do, however, spend time with people who need their guidance or charity, regardless of those people’s value systems. That’s because good people know that their very presence of mind can inspire others to change.

You can tell a lot about a person by observing how they treat others who are in service, whose lives are compromised by poverty, or who are otherwise disadvantaged.

Good people do not behave in conspicuous ways or act like they are above others.  They are not impressed by money or ostentation. They do not talk about themselves excessively or try to inflate their status or self-worth. Instead they do what they can to support or uplift others who need encouragement.

There are many other ways you will observe goodness. But I think that the best way and the most telling, is that a good person is actively engaged in the concern for others, even when it would be more comfortable for them to pursue their own needs. They often have the capacity and the intention to make personal sacrifices on the behalf of others. Often these acts of charity are done unseen. That’s because good people are not motivated by praise or impressing others. Instead they purposefully seek to engage for the benefit of all.


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