Every Girl Is Beautiful, It Needs A Perfect Man To Know About.

She doesn’t know she’s beautiful 

It’s in the way she walks, she talks 

The way she moves when she thinks no one is looking 

The way she tilts her head when she laughs 

She doesn’t know she’s beautiful 
But this beauty isn’t just about physical appearance 

It’s about her soul 

She has such a gentle heart 

Caring for everyone around her 

And this is what creates that beauty 
She doesn’t know she’s beautiful 

And I’m not the only one who sees 

There are few among us who recognize it

Staring amazed as she passes 

Not knowing what makes us stare 
She’s an amazing girl 

With a heart more pure than you can know 

But it’s difficult when all you see is the outside shell 

Hiding nearly everything she is 

Covering up the beauty  
You’re Beautiful!!! 

I want to scream, to shout 

To make her understand 

But she doesn’t know she’s beautiful 

She doesn’t know she’s wonderful 
She thinks beauty lies in clothing, makeup, jewelry 

She thinks it lies in her appearance 

She doesn’t realize how wrong she is 

She doesn’t realize that true beauty 

Comes from within 
She doesn’t know she’s beautiful 

She doesn’t know that some would give the world  

To see her smile just for them 

To see her open up and let the beauty free 

To see her comfortable with all that she is 
Wait for the one who can see you for that beauty 

Wait for the one who can see past the mask 

Past the clothing, and makeup, and stuff 

That fill up your life 

And fill up your heart 
Because no matter what 

You’re beautiful 

I mean it with all my heart 

You’re more beautiful than you imagine 

And knowing it’s the hardest part.


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