The Blind Girl And Sacrifice That Restored For Her Vision. 

Now there are many versions of this story and many ending views of morals …
It’s said that there was once a blind girl who was so very angry because she had no sight … her anger was so consuming that she not only hated herself … but she seem to hate everyone around her rather they were blind or not …
Now there was one particular young man in her life … who somehow had broke through her barrier of hate … and they appeared to grow as the best of friends …
Over time the young man deeply feel in love with the blind girl …. and the story goes that he began to speed at lot of time  with the blind girl … loving her, caring for her and helping her in every way he could … and it was him who taught her the skills of reading and writing in brail ….
Now one day while they were laughing and talking …. he asked the blind girl to marry him … but that smothering blanket of anger and self pity seem to always have the power to shackle her heart … and she told her loving boyfriend that if she could only see the world, she would marry him.

Now the young man felt helpless and she never knew the tear that fell from his eye … he was deeply in love and hoped one day his continued expression of love for her would melt that anger in her heart …. and so their lives continued as it was … with the blind girl being the joy of her boy friend’s eyes …
Then one day, she received a call from the donor clinic which told her that her prayers had been answered … and a pair of eyes had been donated … she immediately called her boyfriend and left a message on the answering machine … as she made her way out to  prepare for surgery ….
Of course there were no guarantee that she’d be able to see after the surgery, but at the least she now had hopes that she would soon be able to see the world including her loving boyfriend.
Her boyfriend was there when she came out of surgery and later when they unwrapped her eyes … she was so very happy and bubbling with joy because she was now able to see all that was around her … and she’d soon be able to see the world….
Now one of the first things she noticed was that her boyfriend was blind too … as she now saw the dark shades covering his eyes ….

Nevertheless … it was then as he held her hands up to his cheek … that he again asked ….  “now that you can see the world my beloved, will you marry me ?”
Having seeing that her boyfriend was blind too … she pulled back her hands, and whispered a refusal to marry him, because she now wanted someone who could see the world with her …
Needless to say the pain and sorry and heartache that the man felt was as a nail had been pounded into his heart … tears began to run down his face as he simply turned to walked away ….

A few weeks later after leaving the hospital …. the girl had so proudly walked into her apartment without the tap tap of her cane … for the first time she saw how neat and clean her now x boyfriend had kept her apartment …
Now there on the coffee table she saw an envelope addressed to “my dearest darling love” it was written in brail followed by print …. 
Inside the envelope was a letter that read … “you will always be the fondest memory in my heart … if you ever need a friend … I’m just a call away … if you ever need help … I’m just a call away … precious love, if you ever get sick … I’m just a call away” … and the letter went on to say …. “take care of yourself … and don’t forget to take care of my eyes I have given you” …

So many emotions and thoughts goes through my mind every time I read this story … I think of how this man had to truly love this woman … and how this woman must of felt when she read the letter the man left …
I want to call the man crazy for giving up both his eyes … but I don’t want to take away from the beauty of his sacrificing Love …
For if I do so ….  I take away the beauty of “God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son” …. and I would take away the beauty of “there being no greater Love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends”  ….
So I won’t blame the man for Loving this woman like this … but I would say woe unto the woman ….  
Now not only should we “be not unequally yoked” in the binding forces of different Faith …. but also we should “not be unequally yoked” by the binding power of Love …
Each Faith has it’s own ‘starting compound basis’ … which will determine the final fixed state of a quickening acceleration … and a fixed state of an acceleration …. will not only determine what Upper Universal Plane a people will rest …. but also what dimensional level in that Plane they will be positioned …


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