My True Story With A Helpless Blind Begged Child

When I was in Mumbai Oneday I’ was walked around outside of churchgate railway station cause, I just travelled by a train and came out On a roadside,I saw a blind child was sitting and begging. He had this pad written near him as “I’m blind, help me with money‘.
The road he was sitting on, was a crowded one, so many people used to pass by him, look at him and his pad and mostly they wouldn’t give him any money.
At that point i was passing by this road. I’ too noticed this blind child begging and read his pad too. First thing I did was put some coin in bowl that the blind child can feel it happy. But I did something else too, something different. I went to that pad and rubbed the writing which said, “I’m blind, help me with money“, and re-wrote something else there. And I  went on my way.
Other people passing by, started donating money to this blind child upon reading that pad. Beggar child was surprised and amazed. He knew that someone came earlier, donated him some coin and re-wrote his pad, but he didn’t know what I wrote.
Now I’ was again passing by the same road. I stood near that blind child and noticed that child’s bowl was full of coins. Child also recognized me by his movement of legs (blinds have sharp sixth sense). He asked me that what exactly I  wrote that people started donating him coins? I replied, “Nothing much, Brother . It gives the same meaning, though I used different words.”. I said “I wrote – Today is such a beautiful day but I can’t see it, I’m blind.”
You can see that a little shift in words, keeping the meaning as it is, made a vast difference for this blind child. Similar way, if we just think a step ahead from normal thinking pattern in our various life issues, we too can make a difference and achieve our goals easily.
But problem with us is that we mostly think in a common pattern. Mostly we possess negative thoughts.
Of course, we give reasons for this that I don’t have enough, I’m not getting good platform etc. etc. but a little shift in our thoughts can make wonders sometimes.
Psychology says that a positive thought is thousands times stronger than a negative thought. But somehow we are not much used to it. We always think and concentrate on lack rather than on abundance, on problems than solutions, on bad things than good things and so in return we get the same.
Mother Teresa knew the secret of shifting words and thoughts. She said that “Do not invite me if it is an anti-war rally, but invite me if it is a peace rally.” I want you to re-read this sentence of her again and try to magnify difference between two words, “anti-war“, and “peace“. Now if you see meanings of both words then they are same. Like anti-war means no war and no war means peace. So ultimately it is peace. Mother Teresa knew this. She concentrated on peace rather than anti-war and look what she manifested.
I just wish to say, all  readers that there is more than enough we want to achieve. Just shift your thoughts, approach process and you will manifest all your imaginations. And that’s a promise – from Universe itself.


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