Why Most Women And Girls Are So Selfish.

I just discovered this subreddit. I’m glad I did. I wish I had read it when I was in my 20’s. I’m a bit older and wiser now in the way the world and women really work.
First, the vast majority of women are selfish. They love talking about themselves, putting themselves first and scheming to get what they want. Most women want marriage and children after they’ve been run through by a dozen bad boys. Many women don’t want to work and want the man to foot the bill for her life. I volunteer with lots of older women and many have admitted that their life goal was to always marry a rich man, but it was difficult because “there weren’t many of them around.”
So, as men, we always have to be on guard with women and we have to understand that dating is like war. Put yourself first. Love isn’t real; it’s some B.S. emotion that nature created to keep our species going. Women and love have been killing mens dreams since the beginning of humanity. Women want to get us to “settle down” so we will give them children and money. Don’t be a sucker.
Notice I said that “most” women are this way. Not all women, of course. I don’t hate women at all…there are some quality, selfless women out there. Unfortunately, most of them are homely or nuns.
Be careful, boys.

womens expectations frm men are always more than mens expectation from woman……………………men takes care of woman …..bt do woman realise men should also be taken care of….love is all men want…..isnt it??relationship whose base is money is worthless……


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