Follow Your Heart Being True To You.

Throughout my life I’ve often heard people say ‘Follow your heart.’ I have to admit, looking back I never really knew what this meant. I was taught to use my head; to think about things rationally and logically. I was taught to use perspective and weigh things out before making decisions. I was also conditioned to follow the crowd and do what other people do. I see now that my guidance system was out of alignment with my true self and my passion, purpose, and calling. I see now what following your heart really means and why this is so important.

Your true guidance system is your heart as we say. If you truly want to follow your passion, purpose, and calling and connect with the happiness and success you will always be searching for elsewhere; then follow your heart. Following your heart means following what FEELS good, and what FEELS right. Throw logic out the window. Just kidding, no but seriously, logistical and realistic thinking is based on your subjective perspective and cannot see the bigger picture. Your heart seems to be connected to universal intelligence and therefore can guide you more accurately; and then your thoughts can help get you there.

When you are in alignment with your true self life happens naturally and with ease. There are minimal struggles, everything feels right, everything works out great, and new opportunities present themselves constantly. When you are out of alignment you will find yourself forcing things, struggling with conflicts and frustrations left and right, and nothing you want to happen is happening very easily. When you ignore your heart you will only get side-tracked longer making your journey more of a struggle until you listen. To stay in alignment simply follow your heart.

To follow your heart you feel your way through life. You can literally ask yourself, “What does my heart say?” Or you can pay attention to what feels right. If you become resistant to things, or irritated and frustrated easily, your heart is telling you no, don’t go that way. If you are happy, or laughing, full of positive emotion, your body is relaxed and excited, and everything feels right- your heart is saying yes this way. It is easy to confuse your unwavering determination to be, do, or have something, when the right choice sits in opposition. You are told to be strong and persevere through anything in pursuit of your goals. This can make it difficult to distinguish between an obstacle in the road and a sign telling you to turn around. This is why it is even more important to listen to your heart, so you can tell the difference between a normal obstacle and a sign saying no don’t bother.

Summary: If you ever question the path you’re on or a decision you are making, ask your heart. It gives an immediate answer and you instantly know it is right. You just have to remember to ask and then listen to your inner guidance system, your heart. Your heart knows the way; your mind will get you there.


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