Why Do People Stare At You?

This is one of the common thing i have to go through when i am outside on the road or in metro. You can understand their intention from their facial expression.

It looks weird when they keep staring for long time. Sometimes i feel like there is somthing wrong with my face and dress so i generally ask my friends whether everything is okay wih my face and dress or not.

When i was in teenage i was getting angry when girls were staring at me and i was staring back at them in the same manner until they don’t stop staring me. But now, i just don’t pay attention to them and keep doing my work unless something seems to be suspicious.

People stare for different reasons.

Some people just enjoy it and it is their favourite timepass.

Most of the people stare you if they find something uncommon in your behaviour ( which may be common for you but not for them).

Some people just stare at you and start thinking that they have seen you somewhere before also or they know someone who looks similar to you.

Sometime it happens that they don’t really stare you but they might be thinking something and unkowingly starts staring you.

And most common reason is that they stare at you if they find something attractive in you.

So, it differes from person to person as to why they stare you.


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