Things Are Not Just Worth Efforts.

Watching dozens of motivational videos everyday. You do realize that it is still consumption? Success requires creation, not consumption.

Chasing behind ‘that’ girl. No matter what. When a girl says no, learn to respect her boundaries.

Imagining beautiful scenarios in the future. Look around. What you have is the truth. Everything else is false. Wishful thinking is different from planning.
Binge drinking. No matter how hard you drink, the sober morning is near.

Pornography. The most unfruitful and destructive habit you can ever develop. It gives you back nothing except dirty intentions about a woman and her body parts in general. And if your paying for this shit, then you have to seriously take a step back and think life through.

Lying. You will eventually spend more time and energy in covering up the lie than you would have by telling the truth in the first place. Additionally, chronic lying can lead to hallucinations where you actually start believing your lies to be true.

Celebrity worship. No celebrity loves you. They foolish ones love themselves and live like jerks. The honest ones hate themselves and everyone around and suicide. And btw, if you think that your favourite celebrities have had a tough life, rags to riches stories, do good things for the poor, there is a word for it. Something called PR stunt. (Ofcourse some celebrities are genuine, minus them here)

Vegetarianism Vs Non-vegetarianism debate. Okay, we (vegetarians) know plants have lives. We also know that you are either guilty or ignorant deep inside. All I am saying is that the argument is just not worth it. Eat what you want and keep heating the planet.

Believers Vs Atheists arguments.  God has existed. The question is whether he has always existed or from the time man started thinking? Here too, its a lose-lose situation. Not worth it. Especially with people who claim they have seen, felt or have had pizza with God. Stay away from them.

Toxic relationships. We are here (in this planet) to convert an enemy into a friend. It is difficult but it is worth it. And it is fun. We are not here to convert a friend into an enemy. It is not worth it and it is not fun. Whether you secretly or blatantly hate your friend or that random guy on the street, stop it. Learn to see the world neutrally.

Bonus one:

Selfies. Don’t click 10^9 pictures at an awe-inspiring location! Your eyes are the best camera and the memory won’t fade for long. It goes straight to the heart. Start clicking with that $1000 phone only after you have taken it all in.


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