The Furthest Star

The observable Universe is 96 billion light years across, 46 billion in one direction and 46 billion in the other. It could be even larger, we just don't know, light from distance stars could still be on their way to reach us so we don't know if they exist. The furthest quasar we know as this moment in time is ULAS J1342-0928, a snappily named quasar if you ask me.

Quasar are a type of galaxy that have active centres. Our own Milky Way galaxy was once a quasar but has since calmed down is no longer active. ULAS is located in the constellation of Bootes in the northern hemisphere. The star on the far side of the quasar would have the title of being the furthest star from Earth. The quasar is so far away, all we see is a blob in the sky, we would not be able to make out any stars.

The furthest exoplanet that we have discovered so far is one that orbits a star in the Andromeda Galaxy which is the nearest galaxy to our own. Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.537 Million Light Years away but it heading towards us. It is moving at 75 mp/s which might seem fast but there's a lot of distance to go. Don't worry, it won't happen for billions of years, long after we all gone.

The furthest star that I have details on on this site is Geminga which is a pulsar in the constellation of Gemini, hence its name. It is a mere 815 light years away. There might be a further star that we have details on but Geminga is the furthest star I have details on at the moment.


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